
Teddy Sheean Grants

Media release, 24 April 2019

Benefits of Pipeline to Prosperity will flow to farmers and the community

Media release, 17 April 2019

Funding for Launceston delivering jobs in aquaculture and renewable energy

Media release, 16 April 2019

Tasmania’s 2019 vintage has wine experts taking notice

Media release, 14 April 2019

Pilgrimage to honour our World War 1 Veterans

Media release, 14 April 2019

Waddamana upgrade has the power to draw visitors to the Central Highlands

Media release, 13 April 2019

Charging up Tasmania

Media release, 13 April 2019

Fruit fly free thanks to world class biosecurity

Media release, 10 April 2019

Great Lakes community catering to the world

Media release, 4 April 2019

Labor sides with extremist protestors

Media release, 9 April 2019

AgriFutures Rural Womens Award Winners

Media release, 9 April 2019

Tasmania’s abalone industry

Media release, 5 April 2019

Where is Labor’s commitment on Battery of the Nation?

Media release, 1 April 2019

2019 State of the State Reply

Speech in Parliament, 21 March 2019

Opening of Bridge of Remembrance

Media release, 31 March 2019

Tasmanian Quality Meats looking to expand

Media release, 30 March 2019

Support for Tasmanian Bee Industry

Media release, 29 March 2019

Duck Irrigation scheme creates opportunity for North West producers

Media release, 27 March 2019

Teddy Sheean’s case before Tribunal

Media release, 25 March 2019

North Esk Irrigation Scheme officially launched

Media release, 25 March 2019



Change for a brighter future.