
ANZAC Day 2018

Adjournment Speech, 2 May 2018

Refreshed Cabinet to deliver Government's Plan

Media Release, 20 March 2018

Hodgman Liberal Government Cabinet - 49th Parliament

Media Release, 20 March 2018

Tasmania's economy among strongest in Nation

Media Release, 7 March 2018

First 100 Days - to take Tasmania to the next level

Media Release, 28 February 2018

Retail booming under Liberal Government

Media Release, 28 February 2018

Eco-tourism in Lyons shines at Australian Tourism Awards

Media Release, 24 February 2018

Report confirms more jobs and stronger economy under Liberals

Media Release, 21 February 2018

Deloitte report reflects Liberals' long-term Plan

Media Release, 21 February 2018

Supporting our Veterans

Media Release, 20 February 2018

Protecting the right to work

Media Release, 19 February 2018

Labor rules out stamp duty cuts for home buyers

Media Release, 19 February 2018

Labor power privatisation plan revealed

Media Release, 16 February 2018

Where does Labor stand on NEM Exit?

Media Release, 15 February 2018

Revitalising School Farms

Media Release, 15 February 2018

New Brighton High School

Media Release, 15 February 2018

Labor' s solar policy sucked into budget black hole

Media Release, 15 February 2018

Midlands Multi Purpose Health Centre upgrade

Media Release, 13 February 2018

Taking Tasmania to the next level

Speech, 11 February 2018

Housing costs lower under Liberals, higher under Labor-Greens

Media Release, 9 February 2018



Change for a brighter future.